
    It's like the ironic joke about the spring - fall couple that break up. When asked, was it the age gap? 'Not at all', she said, 'we got along great. it was just that we were in different life stages.' ok.

    Did Kamala Harris Pay Celebrities to Endorse Her? Oprah Winfrey Speaks Out - Newsweek

    No. She paid their gas money. They spoke for free.

    Zis is the problem with ze online fact checkerz

    Tell me its day when I know that its night. Take it all off rather than just one bite. Two $500K payments look a lot like a $1M payoff to me/validates the claim self-evidently. I don't care that its not addressed to Oprah's personal bank account to discredit the characterization. I am not sure why they say the claim cannot be substantiated by facts/evidence.  We don't have the receipts for all of it, but 1 is enough to accredit the claim. More than 1 just compounds. I guess I don't follow.

    The wow! to me is the Democratic Party's evident skill at setting up money funnels to pay out public funds. it seems like an almost disturbingly easy thing for them to set up. I consider PPP a similar mechanism with its famously lax oversight that led to widespread fraud and inflationary spending. Thinking of HC's legendary corporate speaking fees. The stories tumbling out of the NYC mayor's office - such as selling influence to underground Chinese police stations among other nebulous entities. The stories of tentpole Party activists falling out in fraud. The Biden billion-dollar funnel of arms to Ukraine for their war is extraordinary in any historical context. One more in the Rush airspaces could give a comprehensive list. These are just from my memory. 

    Absurd take to compare? Well, are million-dollar payments for travelling money to celebrities for a political event a fair analogue to the mistress money on Trump's ledger? Are either expenditures any less relevant to politics when considered as justifiable expenditures of campaign funds? funhouse mirrors.

    A lot of Democrat donors must nonetheless ask if the losing debt would be the less if not for the multi-million dollar travelling carnival fees expensed to an election. In retrospect upon losing, they surely agree, a little refund in the campaign chest as consolation would be superior to the bittersweet memories of sharing the best of buffets with the celebrity brigade parade. I tipped how much at the bar!?, last night's partygoers mutter under the sun, suffering hangover and buyer's remorse as one. 


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    The day I knew for certain Trump was going to win.

    It has come to my attention that newfotainment television show ratings dropped precipitously across the board after the election. Those screams you hear are the tinfoil plasticene actors on the cancelled shows. The crashing sound is a sudden collapse in credibility. 

    The American people woke up - not that the media  has been lying to them - everyone already knew that. What they are seeing is its not just the lies, the very reality they are lying about is also a lie. A figment of narrative story telling as carefully crafted through the audio-visual medium of video as any CGI slobber knocker blockbuster. 

    Case in point - the left, a man raises his fist as a gut level response to getting shot. To the right - the same man photoshopped to be a scary-yeti boogetty man as a made up reality in order to to make the editorial point. Gonna getchoo liberoos! Gonna betray yoos to Russias toos!


    The candidates turn to longform podcast interviews cut the MSM out of it. This is the future. This is the way. I expect CNN and all these other mucketty-muck shows to matter as much a sparrow fart in the wind come 2028. Trump could go into a three-hour interview and elicit belly laughs from a room fall of 20-30 something comedians kinda made a hash of the ongoing media reality that he is as past it, clueless and degenerate. By contrast Kamala had to pay Beyonce $5M to speak for her in order to connect to an audience. The rearward shot of Bruce Springsteen namaste to a blushing Kamala said it all. To be fair, not all of the celeb efforts were a bust. Will Ferrell's endorsement video was his best work since Cowbell by far. The public doesn't look past this stuff. 

    Make no mistake - the first crack in the glacier came well before the election. It came at the end of the Afghanistan occupation - when the American built Afghan state was proven to exist entirely in the air waves sent out by the studios of Fox and CNN. American credibility on the ground in Afghanistan extended as far as our drones and guns and that's it. We paid some local Afghan actors to appear on tv so Americans would think there was a state we were interacting with. They left when we did.

    David Satter's Age of Delerium is about the Russian experience at the collapse of the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet state was a collapse of an entire reality. Americans may find this a relevant work to help them make sense of their unravelling reality at this stage. You may be experiencing a similar state of mind as them upon waking up to the truth there was no worker's paradise and nothing like it had ever existed.


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  3. The idea is to just look at the quotes a piece of reporting is built on.

    To that end I hit the quotes in a news article with a highlighter pen.

    Then go back and skim with them. 

    Of course, me being a goof had to then take the idea forward into a collage art expression process. ha. 

    These back-to-back heavy hitters caught my attention.

    The world splits into separate realities. The Berlin NATO flack Mr. Prokopenko quote speaks to that - to what extent are the West's attempts to paint a reality of Russia as a successfully alienated nation becoming projection?

    The rest of the quotes are telling - Mr. Xi of China trolls the west with his 'oil to the fire' quip. 

    Mr. Modi of India is all business as usual - 'to be clear! we are not overturning the global order; we are engaging in a hostile takeover.'

    The mirror reflects - as the Russians would rather anyone but Russians die on the battlefield - so too are NATO nations happy for anyone - Ukrainians - other than their own people to fight and die. 

    One thing is for sure, with North Vietnamese troops reportedly deployed to Russia, the globalized wars are escalating. And let's not get too deep into the thought that if Ukraine still had its nukes, Russia would not have attacked that may be animating Iran's thinking in the aftermath of Israeli strikes, but somewhere Russia has leverage and deals to make with Iran in national defense. The pieces are there - even if they have not fallen into place yet.

    The thought percolates - if the German Austrian Hungarian empire's collapse led inexorably to WWI, and the collapse of the British empire rolled into WWII, what we are seeing in all of it's entirety is the collapse of the American empire into a state of world war 3. Proxies, drones and industrialized guerrilla tactics. Though no nukes may be thrown - the end of the line for escalation may include gray area territory like satellites. No matter who 'wins' - it appears we may be in for outcomes if it is not already happening.

    Was the intent of Biden-Harris's Ukraine policy to put Russia and North Korean troops into a war time alliance on a live battlefield in a knowledge-sharing exercises fighting against NATO technology and war time capability? Count that as one of the landmark Biden-Harris-Nuland-Blinken-Austin foreign policy national security achievements, though it is unclear what the intent of their policy has been in Ukraine except to stoke war generally, in so far as war hurts Russia by forestalling any peace process for as long as there are willing and able Ukrainians to fight, and much fruit still blooms on the vine they have achieved that may be worth bearing. In connection to this the Biden-Harris directed efforts to foster Russia's relationships with China, Iran and India are just as remarkable political achievements as their facilitation of Russia's blooming relationship with North Korea. The Biden-Harris administration has done a job in giving all these nations - many with historically complicated relationships - a clear common purpose, enemy and shared challenges to solve - such as sanctions or the wests' arsenal of complex but brittle satellite microprocessor automated weapons systems. Were these broad strokes of geopolitical unification really their intent? Who knows. Maybe not even them. They could just be winging it.

    The election is likely to snowball into a historic landslide. The Democrats stand no chance - the problem with the appointed one is that she would not have been the likely candidate in a primary election with a full field of candidates. Who the hell knows who would have won, but we all know probably not her. In a real Democratic primary with real candidates like the Democrats used to run, Kamala may have lasted a round longer than Ron DeSantis, who is Kamala's dark side crystal spirit doppleganger amongst the Repubs, but it's doubtful. The same factors and forces that would have washed her out in a primary are showing up now. The only function they served by hiding Kamala from the glaring sun of the media and citizen spotlight in a primary election is to forestall the inevitable melt to the even hotter and brighter general election sun. It's all vanity. No more, really. The party goombahs are sure that because they were taken with Kamala Harris as president, the general electorate would be too - all that stood to trip them up were the wild-eyed pigs in the wings of the democratic party putting a Bernie or some other goofball socialist over the top. They never count on the power of the moderate's nakedly self-interested eye to roll asides. I could well be wrong, but that's my read of the green.


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  4. In Rashomon everyone tells lies. Everyone tells a truth.

    The bandit overpowers the husband, rapes the wife, takes the swords and runs off leaving the husband tied up. The bandit flees in fear when the wife pulls the dagger after raping her. The bandit tells a tall tale about cutting the tied husband's ropes and an epic sword fight duel to burnish his image and cover his cowardice.

    The husband asks the bandit to take the wife as well as he runs off. From the afterlife the husband lies about his death to protect his honor cover his humiliation of being first tricked by a bandit and then murdered by his dishonored wife.

    The raped and betrayed wife kills the husband with the ivory and ebony handled dagger after the bandit runs off. The wife lies about a preposterous sword fight. She lies to cover her murder.

    The wood cutter withdraws the dagger from the corpse after finding the dead husband. The wood cutter lies about losing his axe. He lies to cover his theft of the dagger.

    The storytellers literally break apart a ruin of their once great culture for firewood while telling the tale.

    Every character is at turns victim and villain. The husband lured into the woods by his interest in buying the misbegotten cache of weapons offered by the bandit is both victim and villain - lured by his interest in profiting from misbegotten wealth.

    end spoiler question - is the abandoned infant the child of the wife by the bandit rape?  🤔

    Rashomon. 👍👍


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    all-in this week's collage....

    The Times reporting that Ted K. has a cult following on the internet. They call him 'Uncle Ted' and are 'Tedpilled'. I had no idea. Idk. 35,000 words seems like a lot for a manifesto if I am being honest.

    Related web image search #valda bailey #delaney and Bonnie #Robischon Gallery


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    Quick Capsule Notes - Lots of notable events, weather and sports in the news today from the collage.

    Start where its hot - Russia. Last week the Times tepidly reported a belief that Russian support for the war was built on shaky foundation. 

    This angle in reporting is common in western propaganda; the narrative is that Putin is an out of control leader of a war that has shaky or non-existent popular support. The west's propaganda plays up many reports of carloads of young men leaving Russia, and this or that prominent business person in Russia speaking out against the war. However, there is another side to that - this week we see their schoolkids kids are happily wearing camo swim suits and singing songs. 

    The kids characterize all those carloads of conscientious objectors that outlets like CNN love to play up as evidence that Russia's people may not be willing to fight the war as gangsters and fascist filth fleeing Russia. yikes. 

    A curious note that Russia is purging Kiev's historical credit for receiving Christianity into Russian culture. 

    Scary reports of a car-bomb assassination of local business men in Zaporizhzhia Ukraine.

    Reporting suspects the businessman was assassinated due to his political ambitions and his support for Russia. what a soup. 

    Did you hear the one about the party boat of international spies that capsized in an Italian resort? 

    The weird kicker is that it was a micro-weather event that only sunk their boat. Wut the what?


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  10. similar web image search #warhol #valda bailey #sangrammajumdar #NYC graffiti 


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